From the Department of Culture and Sports, we inform you of the 2025 Carnival programming in Carnota:
Saturday, March 1:
Get dressed and walk through your parish on the train!!. Children will be able to travel by train through their parish for a few minutes. The train has 23 seats and will make the following stops: O PINDO (in Porto at about 11:00 h), SAN MAMEDE (in the Campo do Viso at about 12.30 h), LARIÑO (at the José de Torea Social Center about 15:45 h), LIRA (in front of the Casa do Mar about 16:30 h) and CARNOTA (in front of the City Council from 18:00 h). THE SCHEDULE ARE APPROXIMATE.
Batukada "Bloco Breogá". The percussion group from Carnota, Bloco Breogá, will accompany us for another year with its rhythms through the streets of Carnota, making us enjoy the music and the good atmosphere. Starting at 7 p.m.
Holi Party in white to enjoy the afternoon outside (weather permitting).
We'll start at 16:30 p.m. with the contest. Participants must fill out a registration form; those of the collective modality before the 25th of February in the Department of Culture of the City of Carmel; Those of the individual modality can be done in the same Square from 16.00 to 16:30h.
The music they're going to use, they should bring it in an already prepared pen drive.
INDIVIDUAL MODALITY: Any person, of any age, who comes in disguise may participate in the parade through the square (if it does not rain) to wear their clothes. At the end of the parade, they'll be able to throw a revelry or a few cups, as well as sing, dance, or whatever they're supposed to do to make the full carnival.
GROUP MODALITY: At the end of the individual, the group parade will begin where each group will show off their costumes and parade with greater or less grace, but sporting their carnivals. At the end of the parade, they'll be able to throw a revelry or a few cups, as well as sing, dance, or whatever they're supposed to do to make the full carnival.
There will be prizes on gift checks to invest in county business.
Check out the rules of the contest.
1º | 70 € | 200 € |
2º | 50 € | 150 € |
3º | 30 € | 100 € |
Starting at 7:30 p.m., the contest will begin, Carnival workshops will begin for the children, one of "Chapas" and another of masks and there will be a DJ.
It is also planned at about 18.00h the arrival of the train and as early as 19.00 will begin the HOLI FESTIVAL OF COLORS, OR NEON IF IT RAINS (shines in the dark) for all ages. For this, it is imperative that all participants come dressed in white (they can take off their costume and stay white), with the idea that the clothes are filled with colors by the end of the afternoon.
It's a party where people will dance to the sound of music while from the sky hundreds of colored pigments will fall, eventually staying bodies and clothes filled with colorful dust. We'll take a family walk around the town hall very special and fun, with rocket launch included. At the party there will be "churros" and sale of water and refreshments.
If it rains or blows too much, we'll go for the Carnota sport hall.
That same afternoon in the Pindo, there will be a parade of the Pedramar comparison and free carnivals from 6:30 p.m. through the streets of the parish, organized by the ACDR Pedramar.
Monday, March 3, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at Carnota sports hall:
Carnival party by "Somos Enredos" for children from 3 year old onwards. We'll have an inflatable, a Carnival children's cooking workshop and a children's tattoo workshop.
Tuesday, March 4, at 11:30 a.m., in the City Hall:
Dancecontos "The Carnival of Brazil" for families (children from 1 to 6 years old) by "Viaxando coas anduriñas".
Wednesday, March 05, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the Castle Lamas Pavilion:
Sports games with Fer, for children from 6 - to 14 year old.
And at the end of the day, we're going to end the 2025 Carnival!!!!
* There will be no activity at the School of Music or Sports Schools on Monday 3rd, Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th.
On Thursday 6th, all activities will resume at the usual times.