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The Víndemo Ver is consolidated as one of the essential events of Holy Week on the Costa da Morte

Last Sunday the 31st, the XI Víndemo Ver ended with success in terms of participation and sales. Despite the fact that the weather forecasts were not very encouraging, the sun came out for Carnota this Easter with some small showers which allowed us to keep all the programming.

On Thursday the 28th at 17:00 hours the inauguration took place in the hall of events of the City Hall in which the mayor, Juan M. Saborido and the Deputy for Equality Soledad Agra were present. Both highlighted the importance of maintaining collaboration between administrations so that events like this that combine promotion, culture and sport can be carried out. The attendees had the opportunity to hear Santiago Llovo talk about the salt in Carnota.

The Mercado da Deputation opened its doors that same Thursday at 17:00 and would remain open until Sunday at noon. It occupied a large part of the San Gregorio square and was divided into three tents, one for local products, from agriculture and the garden, another for craft stalls from local creators and another for other artisans from all over Galicia.

In addition to these spaces, food and drink stalls are also distributed for outdoor tasting.

On Thursday evening, the concerts of "Chiña" and "Juan do Tractor" took place

On Friday the 29th, the 11th BTT and bike gymnasium took place.

The winners of the long mountain bike route were:

  • Samuel Catán Baña Martínez 1st male

  • Xastia Domínguez Goalkeeper 1st female

  • Samuel Tomé Fernández 1st under 17

The winners of the short route were:

  • Miguel Anxo Nogueira Pérez 1st male

  • Nicolás Rodríguez Bust 1st local

  • David Pais Caamaño 1st under 17

The first local was Carlos Beiro González, the most veteran was David Corral Valladares and the most numerous club the Carnotán "O Jerreiro".

The mayor, Juan M. Saborido was in charge of the award ceremony.

In the afternoon we continue with more activities for the girls, such as "A pesca da sardiña" and Charanga Santa Compaña and in the evening the concerts of the local group "Ghachi Ki" and "Los lunes al Sol".

On Saturday the 30th, the "Andar ao Mar" route took place through water and the "Come Rockear con Pakolas" concert was held next to it. In the afternoon the girls were able to enjoy traditional games while the older ones attended the performance of the musical group Chan de Lamas. There was also a basket-making workshop for all audiences and in the evening the concerts of "Xur" and "The Rapants" who delighted us with their songs.

On Sunday at 14:30 Víndemo Ver ended. During the morning, the Longarela bagpipe band was in charge of brightening up the streets and families were able to enjoy the "Abracadáver" family theater and clown.

See it in pictures



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